Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Project Time

    Yes, its time for the final year project and would kick of next week. So will be gone for about a month. So enjoying some vacation time now. But there is the 
last exam of Semester 7 that was postponed to be conducted on jan 30th.

    The project will be in Java and the topic is "Audio Steganography". Got nothing, well dont worry will be posting all the details after completing the project. So adios for now ...........

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Module Header - New Proposal

   Ok, heres a new addition / proposal for the satndardization 
of the module structure for software projects. Its just an 
addition to the previous one.

* Name of the module [Application Domain / Type]

[Application Domain] is the addition to the Name of a module and specifies which might suggest where the module is implemented and how it can be classified. This might be useful if the software development group has multiple application domains, like us. Its more or less like keywords..


* ClientScroller [hta / script]

* AlbumGallery [web / php / script / db]

* XmlReadList [app / flash / xml]

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

First draft of Home page completed

   As i said earlier, im gonna post the first draft of the home page. Finally happy with all the elements and layout. Added scripts for 
displaying some elements on the home page itself with AJAX.

    Please note that this is Work in progress, i just wanted to follow on the developmental timeline of this site. High amount are functionality are expected. Also this design is relies heavily on CSS.Take a look at this, the home page without ay css...

    CSS is remarkable? Keep watching for intersting tips and stuff ... bye for now.

Software Module Header Structure

    After much research, i found a quite standard way of writing headers for software projects. It is used in almost every professional development environment. These are just some specifications, individuals or firms may have their own changes according to their requirements.

   The need for such a standardisation is that once a module is written and debugged, the author or other software developers may understand cleanly what is going on and would help in debugging for the entire application, modification without sideeffects and ofcourse as a strong supporter of the "Open Source" movement, code sharing.

Module Header Format ($ revisoon 2)
* Name of Module
* Synopsis of Module
* Date of creation
* Author's Name
* [Modification History]
* [Different Functions supported with in / out params]
* [Global Variables accessed or modified by it]


eg : say the module header of a new program that i created might have the following header

* ClientScroller
* script that Scrolls the client area up and down
* Decemebr 2007
* Midhun Harikumar (Centrum inc Software Solutions)

$ Version 0.32


    Another important specification is regarding the use of global variables. While using Object Oriented Programming, i guess there would be minimum amount of 
global variables lying around. The specification is to name the global variables 
with a leading small case g and underscore.

eg :
int g_nDestFileCount;

    This way we can easily figure out where the global variables are used and might help
debugging a lot easier.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Website Development on a roll

   The new website featuring software tutorials, portfolio, software develpment, downloads and a whole lot more from us. The massive redesign effort is based on numerous design details and is mostly centered around css.

    Happy to announce that the home page design is going smoothly. Will post a sample image of how it will look like very soon, some minor touches to go. 

    The new design sports an orangish touch as emulating the 
mhk'08 logo. We are also thinking of moving to an own domain with database 
functionalities as it would very much reduce the amount of time spent on 
organising the content.

Mhk08 revised logo

   Here is the revised logo of mhk'08 with the special effects added. 
Some careful thoughts and design measures have been taken in the design 
and functionality of the new logo.

So there you have it...

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Mhk '08 Logo released

    The 2008 design and development campaign at ae Labs kickstarted with the creation  and release of the new logo for mhk, for 2008. Its kind of a tradition to have a separate logo for each year starting from 2002!

    This year's logo is a slight modification of last years, but what the heck as 
long as it looks good, who cares! This one sports a merged M and H followed by a K resembling a calligraphic stroke. To make it interesting, the K is given a slight Orangish tint. Theres
a light '08 below the stroke. In the emphasised version the whole logo elements are given an inner bevel and a drop shadow. At times you may find view finder lines at the edges of the logo. 

    There may some twaking to the logo, but the basic design is set to remain the same. There are some thought streams that imply to scrap the 
change in logo every year and go with this one permanently (Thats how good this logo looks compared to previous versions!)

   So presenting the basic logo for mhk'08 ...

First Post

   Hello there, this is the first post on this blog which will be dealing with my projects, site  and other information.

    Ok so i think thats some short ansd cool introduction for this. Theres another blog thats supposed to feature Security tips, but since im not having much free tim, its not qctually getting any better.

    Now on the onset of launch of my new site, hope that things will change. I will be posting throughout the development of the new site, new projects under way and interseting news and my personal views on matters.