Sunday, September 27, 2015

Next Arsenal Match Challenges

NextArsenalMatch was an Android app project that I had done a year back. Dedicated to all Arsenal fans to get the basic information on what and when the next Arsenal match is?

This project was a test attempt into making a live app for Arsenal fans to keep track of the next match. The idea was to use an offline database to store the match details. So for each schedule change, cup exit or cup progress, I had to manually update the database and upload the new build almost every other week as the season progressed.

It seems that an easier alternative to this app can be found on Google Now itself. One can easily track the upcoming match details by adding your favorite sports team. There is as well the official Arsenal Android app which gives more information on Arsenal.

The benefit of developing this app was the contribution of a CopiedDataBaseHelper file for android projects that can use a db file from assets. This file is part of the AeAppsLib.

The canon artwork used for the icon was also created for this project. This is free to use under the Creative Commons Licence.

Sunday, March 01, 2015

Message Counter 3 - Material Design Updates

More design updates come to Message Counter 3. We have implemented the navigation drawer with the sweet animation on the hamburger menu. On popular demand, the Chart is back. The latest update is on a staged rollout.

You can find the current Message Counter app here:

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Andorid Error : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: android.View.getMinimumHeight

So I got reports of the error from my Play Store for my app Message Counter.

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: android.View.getMinimumHeight

In the new build, I had implemented a custom view that reads the min width and height from the xml declaration. The app was working on all the devices that I test. However I did notice that the reports were made from Android devices Version 4.0 or below. Further digging and I found the below solution.

getMinimumHeight() is available in API 16+. 
Use android.View.getSuggestedMinimumHeight() instead

It appears that ImageView.getMaxHeight() is also API 16+. Sadly I could not find any alternatives for this one.

Message Counter on Google Play