Friday, December 05, 2008

Opera 10 alpha

   Opera has just come out with the alpha release to Opera 10 web browser, just a week after launching Opera Mini 4.2.

Check it out from here :

The New features are :

  • Updated engine : Opera Presto 2.2 is the newest rendering engine for the Opera browser. It provides significant improvements in speed, performance and security.
  • 30% Faster on the real Web : The optimized Opera Presto 2.2 engine performs much faster on resource intensive pages such as Gmail and Facebook.
  • Great-looking standards : With an Acid3 100/100 score, Web Fonts support, RGBA/HSLA color and SVG improvements, Opera 10 alpha is ready for the next generation of Web applications. 

Check the acid3 tests from here.

The other features are :

  • Inline spell-check : Opera 10 alpha underlines any misspelled words so you can express yourself without reservation.
  • Auto-update : Opera 10 alpha makes it easier than ever to stay up to date with the latest version.
  • Web Fonts and SVG : Typography on the Web will never look the same. With the Opera Presto 2.2 engine, Web Fonts can be used -including SVG font files.
  • Opacity through RGBA and HSLA : Transparency is the new black. In Opera Presto 2.2 it is easier to make page elements transparent, with the addition of an alpha transparency argument to the RGB and HSL color models.
  • Opera Dragonfly evolved : Opera Dragonfly is now even better for debugging Web sites and allows the editing of the DOM and inspection of  HTTP headers.

Opera 10 final is expected to arrive in the first half of 2009.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Microsoft .net gets new logo

    Microsoft has made a change to the logo for .net . The new one features a blue ribbon like design which looks way better than the old one which was just a .net written in a way that the lettrings were connected and some colors lying here and there. This logo shown above seems to denote an N.

    The new logo looks simply stunning, guess it was released with the Microsoft .net Framework 3.5...