I was working on a project for redesigning the website for Mangalam College of Engineering, Kottayam, Kerala. After studying the old site and the requirements put forward by the college, started with the design and layout. A draft was completed in a week's time incorporating all the fine details.
The details specified included having an interesting layout and provide information to prospective students and parents, current students and their parents, the AICTE and anyone wishing to know more about the college.
The dynamic parts of the site includes having a Latest News and Events notification on homepage itself, display the details of all faculty members and courses given by the college, a Photo Gallery and a portal for Admission Queries among other things...
Well, I dont know if this is gonna be implemented or not, but this is the homepage of the redesigned site.
The design was done using Fireworks, Dreamweaver and Flash. The dynamic end is coded using PHP and uses MySql Database.
Most of the time was spent on developing the Control Panel for the site. It is codenamed Rubicon Panel and can be features a Rich Text editor, Uploaded File manager, Staff List Manager, Gallery Album Manager.
There is now question over when or if the redesigned site will get to be implemented. There has not been much further response from the management regarding this. So at the moment, the site lives on "localhost" ........