Saturday, April 23, 2011

CryptX 6 Beta!

    CryptX 6 is finally here. Albeit in Beta version. After almost scrapping the project due to various technical challenges, we have found our way through those and able to make it perform beyond initial expectations.

    Like its predecessor, this version does encryption using the AES Algorithm. Some more work will be done on the application before it is liberated from the Beta Label. But most planned features have been implemented. We are expecting user reviews and suggestions to better understand the product. Checkout some screen shots of the application revealed for the first time.

Initial Screen
File Selected
Encryption complete!
And the download link for CryptX 6 Beta : 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cryptx 6

Finally, the most awaited Adobe AIR based development project is about to get released. The latest version of CryptX will be 6 superceding the HTA and C++ based 5.1 Beta. Yes, the last version never broke from the Beta label. It was made as a Proof Of Concept that such an encryption decryption utility could be made, after encryption algorithm security problems from CryptX 4.

CryptX 6 like its predecessor will be using 128 bit AES encryption. Check out some of the features of CryptX 6.

  • 128-bit AES Encryption.
  • Password used for encryption is not stored in the encrypted file.
  • Completely written using Action Script 3 and uses as3crypto library.
  • Intuitive UI.
  • Desktop integration with Encrypted file.
  • Using Green Threads for multitasking support in AS3.
  • Improved performance from previous versions.
  • Logging Platform support.

Please note that the CryptX 6 does not support file formats from previous versions.

More info to follow